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Rod Stinson Introduces The One Step System

Internet marketing is nothing new, however every now & then a new method is introduced. Co -founders Rod Stinson and Chris Koehl have brought the 1 Step System opportunity to people all over the world. Many are joining now because the company is still in its infancy, which from a marketing standpoint is surely the best time to get on board.

What makes this business opportunity so attractive is that it is so easy. It is appropriately called the 1 Step System. It stands to reason, the more an individual puts in to their business, the more he or she will get out of it, however, your early efforts in the beginning stages can easily provide at least some income while you lay back and observe.

Everyone knows, there is no such thing as a free lunch, however, I haven't seen another business opportunity where start-up costs can so easily be recouped in such a short time and profit starts rolling in. From those who have no experience, to the most seasoned marketer, its a great opportunity to see a steady cash flow in a relatively short time. It's also a great way to earn extra income at home. Those with years of Internet marketing experience are calling it a brilliant concept designed for building wealth for anyone who is savvy enough to see its earning potential.

Our experience has revealed that to many entrepreneurs out to earn extra money from home, have fallen victim to deceptive and greedy get rich quick scams that guarantee your success. This business sets itself far apart from those, and what is so refreshing about the 1 Step System is there is no selling, no phone calls, no explaining, no answering questions and no closing. Most of the work is done for you. It's a fact, co-founders Rod Stinson and Chris Koehl have taken the 'Net by storm. It's nice knowing that with this business, anyone, regardless of their experience or background, has the same chance for financial independence.

For more information visit:
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Home Business Advertising Ideas

Having a home based business is a wonderful asset to your life. The problem still stands, when it comes time to advertise your business for a cheap cost. I know you have looked for this answer everywhere; I am here to share a few simple yet creative ways, to advertise your new home business.

A few suggestions would be, newspapers is the one source that many people go to, when they have just opened there business. You would need to research online, for newspapers that are in your area. Newspapers are a very simple yet effective tool to use to take your business from basic home based business to business galore. Having catchy phrases and pictures or photographs of your products should help spice it up. Knowing your audience is the key to businesses.

There are also, radio stations you could call in, or even email too. If you are a communicator, you can try to get onto a radio station and just share your business. You would need to write an outline or some type of catchy jingle that will help you be different from the rest of the business. The creativity comes from within. Knowing your target and knowing what you provide is gold, will surely, make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Did you know that creativity comes from the heart and soul in once you find the creative voice you will find all kinds of ways to advertise your home business without spending a fortune for a market rep when you can do it yourself saving yourself time and money where you can be spending it on something else.

You may also want to try in write a catchy jingle that will catch your readers and target audience. Being creative with your jingle will sure bring you visitors to your business rather it's a restaurant or corporate business many people have jingles like McDonalds, Wendy's, Subway, and Pizza Hut these people came up with there own jingles to sale there products to there target audience. Another thing you can do is sit down and write out an outline of the things you're trying to sale than right and catchy but simple jingle that will stop your audience dead in there tracks.

Many people hire writers for there jingles in some right there jingles themselves which will also save you more money that way also without going over your budget. You can say something like Dixie Professional Writing Service always on your side. You can say something like that but with more expression to it but just remember to be creative enough to advertise your business. 

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Themes WordPress Pilihan Untuk Adsense

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 03:54 AM PST

Themes WordPress Pilihan Untuk Adsense – Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang themes WordPress yang cocok sekali untuk Adsense. Bisa digunakan untuk Google Adsense atau Adsense yang lain. Jika anda sudah pernah mendapat penghasilan dari Google Adsense, pasti berburu themes yang mempunyai CTR yang tinggi.

Memang benar, jika ada sebagian orang beranggapan bahwa themes WordPress tidak berpengaruh terhadap Adsense, yang berpengaruh adalah konten, namun themes juga mendukung dalam terdongkraknya earning karena CTR yang melejit. Tapi awas, melejitnya CTR harus sempadan dengan visitor blog anda.

Yang akan saya bahas disini adalah Themes dari Themes dari website ini memang didesain untuk menambah CTR agar nilainya menjadi lebih tinggi dari biasanya. Saya sendiri telah membuktikannya dan terasa beda sekali jika saya memakai themes dari ini.

Kita liat salah satu preview dari Themes highCTRtheme yang bernama CTRnews Versi 2.0. Jika anda melihat sekilas, themes ini memang bisa dikatakan tidak SEO Friendly, dilihat dari susunan sidebar. Orang beranggapan bahwa robot Google akan mengindex dari header, kiri, baru kekanan. Nah jika yang didapat google sebelah kiri adalah sidebar dengan isi lebih cenderung ke link External, maka secara otomatis konten (artikel) akan lama di index atau bahkan akan ditinggalkan. Itu menurut saya, nggak tahu kalau menurut anda.

Namun pada themes wordpress yang bernama CTRnews Versi 2.0 ini lain dari yang lain. Perhatikan screenshot dibawah ini :

 Themes Wordpress HighCTRnews versi 20 Themes Wordpress Pilihan Untuk Adsense

Keterangan :

1 = Post SubHeadline, can be deactivate for each post
2 = Breadcrumbs
3 = Social Share Button
4 = Feature Image on Single Post
5 = Article Post

Anda lihat sendiri bahwa themes tersebut mempunyai posisi Title yang menjorok kekiri. Kalo menurut saya, ini memang sengaja agar title post bisa lebih dulu di Index oleh robot Google. Dan yang lebih memperjelas title adalah dengan adanya Subtitle. Dengan memasukkan Subtitle yang baik, maka akan lebih memperkuat artikel kita dalam bersaing di Search engine.

Yang menjadi kekurangan dari themes ini adalah setiap artikel harus mempunyai gambar atau image sendiri yg diupload ke hosting kita pakai buat WP domain tersebut, tidak bisa mengambil dari link URL lain. Jika hal tersebut anda paksakan, maka tampilan thumbnail akan hilang atau tidak ada.

Nah, agar tampilan preview dari themes WordPress CTRNews versi 2.0 tersebut lebih jelas, anda bisa melihat demonya di Atau melihat penjelasan detailnya di

Nah, bagaimana anda bisa download themes WordPress high CTR seperti themes CTRNews Versi 2.0 tersebut ?? Cukup mudah, anda hanya perlu menjadi Premium member di dan dapatkan themes HighCTR yang lain. Dulu pernah saya post disini <<==baca lagi ya gan,…

Nah, kalo mau mendaftar, cukup isi data2 anda :

Slot & Kesempatan TERBATAS!
Dapatkan Themesnya !!

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Nah, jika ingin lebih jelas lagi produk apa yang akan anda dapatkan, silakan kunjungi DISINI GAN..

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat, terimakasih sudah membaca tentang Themes WordPress Pilihan Untuk Adsense

Related posts:

  1. Download WordPress Themes HIGH CTR Gratis Berlimpah
  2. Download Themes WordPress High CTR Free alias Gratis
  3. Template Blogger Blogspot 3 Kolom Untuk Adsense Publisher SEO Friendly

Sengketa Bank vs Nasabah Capai 510 Kasus di 2011, Naik 83%

Sengketa kasus antara nasabah dengan bank selama 2011 mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Jika dibandingkan dengan total permohonan penyelesaian sengketa yang diterima pada tahun 2010 yaitu sebanyak 278 sengketa, terdapat peningkatan sebesar 83% pada tahun 2011 dimana mencapai 510 kasus sengketa.

Demikian disampaikan Ketua Tim Mediasi Perbankan Bank Indonesia Sondang Martha Samosir dalam penjelasannya kepada detikFinance di Jakarta, Jumat (6/1/2012).

"Sengketa yang diajukan paling banyak merupakan sengketa dengan jenis produk di bidang Penyaluran Dana dan disusul dengan bidang Sistem Pembayaran," kata Sondang.

Adapun sengketa di bidang Penyaluran Dana didominasi dengan permohonan restrukturisasi kredit baik kredit konsumsi maupun kredit modal kerja. Sementara itu, Sondang mengatakan sengketa yang berhubungan dengan Kartu Kredit mendominasi jenis produk sengketa Sistem Pembayaran.

"Dimana akhir-akhir ini semakin marak dengan modus penggunaan kartu kredit yang hilang oleh orang lain yang tidak berhak," jelasnya.

Lebih jauh Sondang mengatakan peningkatan jumlah sengketa nasabah dengan bank ini diduga dipicu oleh meningkatnya informasi mengenai keberadaan Mediasi Perbankan yang difasilitasi Bank Indonesia serta tingginya ekspektasi masyarakat terhadap eksistensi Bank Indonesia terkait perlindungan nasabah.

"Di sisi lain, peningkatan ini juga dipicu oleh kekurangpahaman nasabah mengenai karakteristik sengketa yang dapat dimediasi," ungkapnya.

Berikut data sengketa antar nasabah Vs bank selama 2011 :

  • Penghimpunan dana : 47 kasus
  • Penyaluran Dana : 246 kasus
  • Sistem Pembayaran : 206 kasus
  • Produk Kerjasama : 4 kasus
  • Produk Lainnya : 4 kasus
  • Diluar Permasalahan Produk Perbanakan : 3 kasus

Sebagai informasi, agar masyarakat tetap mengingat kembali persyaratan sengketa yang dapat diupayakan penyelesaiannya melalui Mediasi Perbankan maka pemohon harus memenuhi beberapa persyaratan sebagai berikut:

  1. Sengketa merupakan sengketa keperdataan antara nasabah dengan bank dengan nilai tuntutan finansial paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00;
  2. Tidak sedang dalam proses atau telah mendapatkan keputusan dari lembaga arbitrase, peradilan, atau lembaga mediasi lainnya;
  3. Pernah diupayakan penyelesaiannya oleh bank (melalui mekanisme pengaduan nasabah); dan
  4. Belum pernah diproses dalam mediasi perbankan yang difasilitasi oleh Bank Indonesia.

7 Tips SEO di Yahoo

Agar web atau blog anda bisa terindeks di Yahoo, anda perlu terapkan search engine optimization (SEO) untuk Yahoo.
Bagaimana caranya? Apa tips SEO di yahoo yang harus dilakukan agar web bisa terindeks di Yahoo?
Ada empat hal penting yang harus diperhatikan untuk melakukan SEO di Yahoo.
  • struktur web
  • keyword density
  • usia domain
  • backlink.

Tips Melakukan SEO di Yahoo

  1. Struktur web. Buat struktur navigasi yang rapi dan mudah diakses. Demikian juga struktur URL yang tepat. Sediakan juga sitemap XML. Struktur web khususnya memegang peran penting untuk SEO di yahoo. Karena itu pastikan struktur web anda rapi, tidak acak-acakan.
  2. Backlink berkualitas. Pastikan anda mendapatkan backlink berkualitas dan sesuai dengan niche web atau blog anda. Juga bangun internal link yang sesuai.
  3. Manfaatkan Yahoo Answer. Anda bisa gunakan Yahoo Answer untuk menautkan link dari blog atau web anda. Namun, pastikan bahwa link yang anda berikan relevan.
  4. Konten unik dan berkualitas. Soal konten sudah menjadi menu wajib untuk SEO, baik di Yahoo, Google atau Bing. Pastikan keyword density pada konten pas.
  5. Gunakan Flickr. Anda bisa tambahkan url web atau blog anda pada  profil di Flickr.
  6. Manfaatkan tag. Bagi pengguna blog berbasis wordpress, manfaatkan tag-nya dengan baik. Ini penting sebagai bagian untuk membuat struktur blog yang teratur.
  7. Webhosting yang andal. Hal penting yang tidak boleh dilupakan adalah memilih webhosting yang handal. Ini sangat penting agar proses data transfer pada web bisa berlangsung dengan cepat.

Larangan SEO di Yahoo

Selain tips SEO di atas, hindari juga hal-hal berikut ini terdapat pada web atau blog anda.
  • Isi konten tidak sesuai dengan URL-nya
  • halaman di-redirect ke halaman lain.
  • Autoblog
  • Konten copy paste.
  • Terdapat link atau konten yang tidak terlihat dari
  • Penggunaan pop up berlebihan yang menganggu kenyamanan pengunjung.
Khusus untuk pertanyaan di atas tentang SEO di Yahoo, web yang ditanyakan pemiliknya masih terhitung baru. Belum ada satu bulan. Terkadang untuk indeks di Yahoo memang agak lambat dibanding dengan cara terindeks google. Di Yahoo, seperti sudah saya sebut di atas, usia domain amat mempengaruhi, selain struktur web, keyword density dan backlink.

5 Reasons Why the Right Point of Sale Equipment Increases Profits

Whether you own a restaurant or a retail outlet, the right point of sale (POS) hardware and software can increase your bottom line. Here are five reasons why:

1. Return on Investment. While there are POS systems at many different price points, there are inexpensive software solutions that have great functionality, work with a wide variety of types of hardware, and can integrate with other business software. For example, if you are looking for pizza shop software, Point of Success is a low-priced restaurant POS software package that has a wide range of features. Similarly, Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (also known as Microsoft RMS) is a cost-effective solution for a clothing boutique.

2. Enhance Customer Service. If you're a restaurateur or a retailer, your relationships with your customers are paramount. POS equipment can ensure that your employees can spend more time interacting with customers and less time entering information into equipment. Restaurant POS software, for example, allows employees to enter and track orders, so mistakes are minimized and customers aren't kept waiting. Similarly, retail point of sale software can give your staff immediate access to availability, prices, and the location of inventory. This means that your customers can get a high level of service, increasing the likelihood of repeat business.

3. Increase Efficiency. If you can increase the efficiency of your restaurant or retail store, you'll soon see increased profits through a decrease in staffing costs, losses due to errors, and improved accountability. Microsoft POS, for example, allows your employees to quickly and efficiently check out customer purchases with built-in credit and debit card processing. It also enables you to do everything from tracking work hours with a time clock to tracking cashier tasks. This kind of transparency enables you to make informed decisions about policies and procedures, as well as to track problems back to their source.
4. Lower Training Costs. With point of sale software and hardware, you have a standardized training approach for your employees. By customizing the software to correspond to your menu items, for example, a trainee can quickly and easily enter orders. That same software can print preparation tickets or display orders on a kitchen monitor. With pizza shop software, you can easily train delivery drivers to pick up delivery dispatches and note their availability when they return from deliveries.

5. Improved Reporting. One of the primary benefits of point of sale software is its reporting capability. Better reporting gives you the information you need to do everything from making buying decisions to preparing your tax returns. Reporting capabilities vary from software package to software package, and the type of business you have will most likely dictate the type of software you need. For example, Microsoft POS and Microsoft RMS both allow you to manage and track inventory, generate purchase orders, track customer purchase histories, and track employee hours. Microsoft RMS offers even more reporting options, including customized reports, the ability to track backorders and layaways, and the capability to manage account receivables of customers.

The importance of point of sale equipment and software can't be overstated. It may seem like a significant investment, but it will more than pay for itself with increased sales, efficiency, and reporting.

Make Money Scams Don't Work? No...You Don't.

Are Make Money Scams Your Fault?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Make money failure?

If you toss a coin 100 times and it comes down heads 99 times, does that prove that it is a two- headed coin?

Match Your Abilities

You have heard that if you invent a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door.

Imagine that you sell your invention together with full manufacturing and selling rights to 100 people. One make money purchaser is soon a millionaire because of your invention. The other 99 people clamor for their money back. It didn't make money for them therefore it must be a scam.

They must be right. As with the coin toss 99 times out of 100 proves that it is a scam and nobody can make money.

My Failures

Inkjets: I bought a kit to make money by refilling inkjet cartridges. I had big plans about expanding my business once it could make money big time. I would set up a van, and drive round the country businesses in Western Australia, and make money refilling their cartridges each week.

Or I might even be able to drive into the parking lot of some local manufacturers who had hundreds of inkjet printers operating, and refill a couple of hundred cartridges before driving on again. Think how I could make money then!

My main abilities are technical, which suited refilling the cartridges.

My main lack of ability is in salesmanship. The business failed. I only made a few hundred dollars out of it over a period of several years.

Was the idea a scam? No. I am a bad salesman. Others do make money this way, and very good money too.

Translation: Next I bought a make money idea to become a translator. This was great. I sailed through my translator's exams and joined two professional organizations.

But the work didn't come in. I didn't make money.

It turns out that not all translation is equal to make money. If you can translate from English into the language of a new third-world market that manufacturers want to open up you can make money û large dollops of it. The manufacturers are happy to help you to make money so that they can make money in larger quantities.

However, if you translate into English as I do, then the manufacturers are in the third-world countries. That means that they can't afford quality translators. They will always go for the cheapest work from their own country where slave- labor fees are charged. It doesn't matter that English is not the native language of the translator. The manufacturer can't afford to help you make money by going for quality.

I only made money of a few thousand dollars over two years.

Make Money Scams

Of course, there are make money scams like the one about getting money out of Nigeria. You can often recognize this type of scam by
1.If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

2.Money making scam merchants like it to be barely legal. That way you won't want to complain about them to the authorities.

3.No work needed. If it needs no work to make money, why do they want your help?

Make Money from Services

In the examples I gave above I was trying to use my services to make money.

You will almost always make some money - even if you are a hopeless salesperson. The only trouble is that you may make money that is too little to interest the tax man. It is embarrassing when the tax man returns your money with the comment that it is a hobby not a business to make money!

But suppose that you are a brilliant salesperson. In that case can't you find better ways to make money than working hard? OK suppose you are a mediocre salesperson. You have found a service where word of mouth soon brings you so much work that there aren't enough hours in the day for it.

That is the big problem. Why do you want to make money? To get freedom? Then why are you working 70 hours a week on your business to make money? What kind of freedom is that?

One way is to sell the business for a large sum of money and then build another, and sell that to make money.

Automated Income

This is the best way to make money. You don't make money with no work. It takes a lot of hard work to set up the automation. But it is cumulative like a rolled snowball. The hard work you do today will make money for you tomorrow and next year and...

Grasp Opportunity

I had the chance recently to buy into a business that needs my technical abilities and needs no salesmanship to make money. I grabbed the chance. You can't get in - the offer was only open for 24 hours. If you are too skeptical then when opportunity knocks you will miss your chance to make money. Fortunately I already had experience of working with the vendor, so my skepticism was low.

How To Match Your Abilities With the Opportunity

It's only logical. If you want to match the opportunity to your abilities you want to have as many opportunities to choose from as possible. So I've gathered a range of articles by many authors.

Don't be brainwashed by just one author, but please, don't ask for a refund just because a way to make money doesn't work for you. Unless it is a scam like the one about helping to get hundreds of millions of dollars out of Nigeria then the fault is probably your own.

One man who became filthy rich from the internet says that he expects 15 out of 16 of his projects to fail. He starts banking his ongoing income from the sixteenth project, then moves on to the next sixteen.



Cara Perbaikan Error BOOTMGR pada windows

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:46 PM PST

Cara Perbaikan Error BOOTMGR pada windows merupakan artikel yang bersumber dari: SobatPC

Cara Perbaikan Error BOOTMGR pada windows merupakan artikel yang bersumber dari: SobatPC BOOTMGR is Missing adalah sebuah masalah yang lumayan rumit. Namun sebelum bicara lebih jauh mengenai BOOTMGR (bagian dari boot sector), ada baiknya mungkin memahami apa itu boot sector. Sebuah boot sector merupakan sektor/daerah dari hard disk drive atau perangkat penyimpanan lain yang berisi [...] Posting terkait:
  1. Memperbaiki error NTLDR is Missing pada Windows XP
  2. Cara membuat multibooting pada windows 7
  3. Cara mengatasi Message Error 0×81000203 Pada System Restore Windows 7

Cara Membatasi Hak Akses Pada Registry Editor Berdasarkan User Account

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:33 PM PST

Cara Membatasi Hak Akses Pada Registry Editor Berdasarkan User Account merupakan artikel yang bersumber dari: SobatPC

Cara Membatasi Hak Akses Pada Registry Editor Berdasarkan User Account merupakan artikel yang bersumber dari: SobatPC Ada beberapa tujuan ketika kita membatasi agar registry editor tidak bisa diakses oleh sembarang orang. Salah satunya adalah agar setiap orang tidak dengan bebas mengutak-atik registry, karena memang registry merupakan jantungnya Windows. Jika sedikit saja registry rusak, maka bisa [...] Posting terkait:
  1. Cara Nonaktifkan Akses Registry di Windows 7
  2. Tips cara melakukan bacup registry pada Windows 7
  3. Cara Membatasi Bandwidth Tanpa Software

Seputar Hukum Warisan di Indonesia


Profil Aidil Akbar
Aidil Akbar Madjid, MBA, CFE®, CFP®, RFC®
Wealth Planner™,
Pakar Ekonomi Mikro & Keluarga
Chairman, IARFC Indonesia

 Saya mendapat informasi bahwa seorang Perencana Keuangan juga harus mengerti ilmu waris? Sudah lama saya ingin mengirimkan pertanyaan ini ke Mas Akbar, akan tetapi baru kali ini saya kesempatan untuk dapat menulis. Hal ini berhubungan dengan wasiat dan warisan yang dimiliki oleh Bapak saya.

Bapak saya yang sudah berusia 70 tahun sedang melakukan persiapan untuk berangkat Ibadan Hají ke Tanah Suci Meca tahun ini. Sebelum berangkat Haji bapak ingin meninggalkan surat wasiat kepada kami anak-anaknya atas harta kekayaan keluarga kami.

Sebagai informasi tambahan, saya sekeluarga 3 bersaudara dari satu ibu. Tanpa izin dari ibu saya (istri pertama) bapak menikah lagi dengan istri ke 2 dan dikaruniai 2 orang anak.

Pertanyaan saya, bagaimana status dengan ke 2 saudara saya (beda ibu). Apakah mereka bisa mendapatkan harta waris dari bapak saya?.


Bapak Hasan yang terhormat,

Memang hukum waris dan wasiat menjadi hal yang sangat pelik di Indonesia terutama karena kurangnya kesadaran anggota masyarakat untuk membuat wasiat. Dalam kasus anda, bapak anda sudah lebih maju dengan mempersiapkan surat wasiat meskipun masih terdapat kelemahan dalam wasiat ini.

Sebagai informasi, dalam hal wasiat di Indonesia terdapat 3 macam jenis hukum waris yaitu:

1. Hukum Waris Adat
Hukum waris adat dipergunakan bagi mereka yang masih menganut hukum adat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu contoh adalah orang-orang yang berasal dari Batak dan Minangkabau (Padang) yang masih kuat dalam mempertahankan adat mereka.

2. Hukum Waris Perdata (Pasal 830 s/d 873 KUH Perdata)
Hukum waris perdata dibergunakan bagi mereka yang beragama diluar agama Islam atau bagi mereka yang tidak ingin menggunakan hokum waris adat maupun hukum waris Islam sebagai acuan dalam tata cara pembagian waris.

3. Hukum Waris Islam (Al Qur’an S.2:180, 240; S.4:7, 9, 11,12, 19, 33, 176; S.5:106, 108; 36: 50)
Hukum waris Islam dipergunakan bagi pemeluk agama Islam di Indonesia apabila mereka tidak ingin menggunakan hukum waris adat atau hukum waris perdata.

Dilihat dari kasus bapak, maka anak-anak yang lahir dari istri kedua tanpa seizin nikah atau sepengetahuan dari istri pertama adalah anak yang lahir diluar nikah. Dari segi hukum adat, seorang gadis yang tidak menikah, melahirkan anak, maka anak luar nikah itu hanya memiliki hubungan hukum dengan ibunya.

Didalam masyarakat, adat ini sangat dicela, sehingga sebelum gadis itu melahirkan ia akan telah dinikahkan. Sebagaimana halnya dalam hukum adat, hukum Islam pun menganggap seorang anak yang lahir diluar pernikahan, hanya mempunyai hubungan dengan ibu saja dan tidak mempunyai bapak, begitu juga mengenai soal warisan. Anak luar nikah hanya mewaris dari ibunya. Dilihat dari segi hubungan dengan ibu tidak ada perbedaan antara anak yang sah dengan anak yang lahir di luar pernikahan.

Dalam hukum perdata, ada peraturan yang berbeda dengan hukum adat maupun hukum Islam, mengenai anak luar nikah. Antara ibu dan anak harus ada pengakuan dahulu sebelum ada hubungan hukum. Pengakuan ini harus dengan akta otentik Pengakuan ini juga dapat dilakukan oleh bapak, tetapi hanya mungkin terjadi dengan restu ibunya.

Jika pewaris mempunyai anak di luar pernikahan, maka menurut Pasal 908 KUH Perdata terhadap anak tersebut tidak boleh diberi hibah wasiat yang melebihi dari bagiannya, bilamana tidak ada wasiat (testament).

Hal ini untuk menjaga bahwa anak di luar pernikahan itu akan diberi untung melebihi daripada anak yang sah. Pasal 916 KUH Perdata mengatur bagian mutlak seorang anak luar nikah yang telah diakui dengan sah adalah setengah dari bagian yang menurut undang-undang sedianya harus diwarisinya dalam pewarisan karena kematian.

Dengan adanya wasiat dari orang tua (bapak) anda, maka hak atas anak tersebut dilindungi selama tidak lebih besar dari hak atas anda dan saudara anda sebagai anak dari istri pertama. Untuk lebih jelas dan lengkap sekiranya bapak bisa menghubungi konsultan hukum atau notaris untuk melihat legalitas dari wasiat serta isi dari wasiat tersebut sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman.

Credit Counseling Scams

Some of the worst scams involve offers to help consumers fix their credit. Our nation is so entrenched in the use of credit, it is inevitable that many will get behind on their payments. This common malady affects at least one person you know if not you, personally.

Credit card companies, banks, stockbrokers, stores, and other financial institutions make it sound so easy, who could resist. No interest! No payments until July! No annual fee! Just fill in this form and you can buy all the things you really can't afford!

We are sucked into this system easily, but getting out of debt can be extremely difficult and stressful. The promises of all these credit providers become insults and threats as soon as you cannot pay for all the things they promised you could have when you filled out that form.

Many people do not know how to get caught up. Their situation may have changed since they applied for the credit and ran the bill up. They may have lost a job, had a baby, had an illness in the family, or had some other disaster strike which meant they could not make payments they had once agreed to.

The credit providers don't offer much help. They offered you the credit. Now they want their money. They didn't worry about whether they were giving you more credit than you could really afford. It's not their problem. It's your problem.

Then, here you are. You owe them money. The collectors are calling and sending you notices threatening to take your house, your car, or ruin your credit rating. They tell you that if you do not pay there will be dire consequences.

Then you see the ad or find the website that says, "Credit Counseling. Let us help you get out of debt and get those bill collectors off your back for you." You're saved! Look, it's even a not for profit organization. They are just there to help me. Where do I sign?

That's where the trouble begins. Many companies have gotten into this lucrative venture and prey on people who are stressed out and have nowhere to turn. The credit card companies who recruited them so vigorously before have now abandoned them. The government isn't offering to help. The IRS still wants their taxes. And now the knight in shining armor, the credit counseling service comes to the rescue.

The ad may say "Consolidate your bills into one low monthly payment", "No Borrowing", "Use federal law to keep your property from being foreclosed by creditors", "Wipe out your debts", "Stop Garnishments", "Stop Collectors from harassing you", "Keep your property from being repossessed", or other equally great sounding phrases that looks just exactly like what you need.

But, don't get sucked in a second time. If you think the credit card companies sucked you into debt, you haven't seen anything yet compared to what a disreputable credit counseling company can do to you.

Some of these companies offer to help you eliminate your debt altogether. If you get an email like that, delete it. If you find a website that says that, hit the back button and go somewhere else. Do not walk, run!

Sometimes, the best answer is to negotiate directly with the creditor. Be firm. Tell them what you can actually afford to pay. Do not promise more than you can deliver. They really have to take what you can actually pay if they want you to pay them off eventually. Avoiding them doesn't work.

Many of these scams do not tell you what they actually charge and their fees can be worse than what you already owe. These companies will try to avoid giving you straight answers to your questions about their fees and have hidden costs they may not disclose at all. They know you turned to them because you are afraid your credit is about to be ruined and that they can pressure you into paying them later.

They also don't tell you they are receiving a portion of whatever payments you are making to your creditors through them. That's one of the ways they hide what they make from you.

Some of them will take the payments from you, then not pay your creditors with it on time, or in some cases not pay your creditors at all.

Never pay a credit counseling service an up-front fee to fix your credit or give you counseling or anything else. Many of these companies are only in place to make money from collecting that fee and never provide you with any credit counseling or other services at all. They've made their money and gone on to the next victim.

Many credit counseling scams are under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission and those claiming to be nonprofit are being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service and their nonprofit status is in danger of being revoked.

However, our government agencies will not save you. These unscrupulous credit counseling services will change their business names and be right back in business bilking consumers in no time at all as long as there is a buck to be made. Only your common sense can keep you from being ripped off by credit counseling scams.

Check them out with the Better Business Bureau. Search their company name online to find others who have used their service. Do not believe testimonials that appear on their own website or ones they send you in an email. They can just make those up.

If they have a website, go to and type in the domain name to find out who the Registrant of the domain name is. Then search for their name on the web. Search their phone number or address on the web. Find out all you can about them before you sign up for anything. Ask a lot of questions.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. Do a search in your favorite search engine for credit counseling scams and you can learn even more about how to avoid becoming a victim.

How Long Can I Expect My Virtual Assistant To Stay With Me?

That's the number one question I'm asked by clients, future clients, and interviewers. So how long can we expect virtual assistants to stick? My answer is always the same: "it depends". It depends on many things. But first we need to realign our thinking a little bit and better understand today's workforce.

As a small or home-based business owner, are you basing your perception of how long a worker stays in a position on your own work history? Yeah, me too. Big mistake. Personally, when I take on a position I intend to stay with it – I don't give up. I've enjoyed lengthy tenures at my places of employment throughout my career. All except one and that's a story for later.

What we need to remember though is that everyone is not like us. Especially the current workforce. I mentioned in a previous article ( that the days of staying in your job for the rest of your life are long gone. As business owners, we tend to forget that and we are frustrated by it.
Let me say it again in this article: A recent study said that the average tenure in a job for Generation Y is 18 months. That's realistically the max you can expect someone – anyone, bricks-and-mortar or virtual, to stick with a job. Let's leave that thought to stew for a while and talk about the "that depends" I mentioned earlier.

Depends on what?
• Things change in people's lives – everyone's lives. Mine and yours and your virtual assistant's.

Think back to the reasons you have changed jobs in the past. What things in your past have caused a need for job changes? Pregnancy, sudden depression, death in the family, shift in financial obligations, relocation, change of career goals, a decision to go back to college, ill parents, ill children, ill spouse? Of course, and there are many more. Your virtual assistant is a human being too and they're also subject to all of these normal human occurrences. Any one of these or many more reasons are cause for a virtual assistant to move on elsewhere or even stop working altogether.

• Job likeability. You've got to like your job. I hope we can all agree on that. If you don't like what you're doing you're not going to do your best and you're always going to be shopping for a better job or better opportunity. Virtual assistants, as with bricks-and-mortar assistants, are not immune. I'm not talking about being a virtual assistant in general – though that happens too – where a virtual assistant decides she can't handle the isolation and hangs up her computer. I'm talking about all of the tasks a virtual assistant does on a daily basis. For one client she may answer phones, for another she may do data entry, and for yet another she may be asked to cold call. If she doesn't like those duties she's not going to like the job and will ask for reassignment or quit entirely.

• Boss likeability. For me, the only one I didn't stick with for a good length of time was one where I was treated like a prisoner in a concentration camp, neck breathed down and so on. I left one day for lunch and never looked back. Have you ever had a boss you just couldn't stand? How about one with whom you just couldn't see eye-to-eye. Or maybe there was the one you always thought was creepy or shifty. Would you stick with a boss that gave you those feelings? Certainly not! Yet we expect our virtual assistants to do that and we can't. With 6.6 billion people in the world every one of them is not going to like each and every one of us. And you're not going to like every one of them either.

• Then of course there's Big Bad Team Double-ClickSM. At Team Double-ClickSM our job, as we see it is this: to help you determine your needs in a virtual assistant; to locate the best virtual assistant for you, our client, based on your personality needs as well as your skills needs; to locate problem virtual assistants and send them packing before they do damage to you; to nurture the relationship between you and your virtual assistant; alert you to potential problems with a virtual assistant; to stand by what we do and what we offer; and locate a new virtual assistant for you should things not work out. Now, sometimes the virtual assistants we contract don't like this. This is when we become "Big Bad Team Double-ClickSM". You see, we're the good guys when we're offering work to virtual assistants. However, when we have to take that work away or ask a virtual assistant for reimbursement for a client due to negligence in their actions, we're no longer popular with that virtual assistant. This quite often causes a virtual assistant to quit. In order to protect you, our client, sometimes we have to tick people off to do it.

• Theft. Yes, theft. Team Double-ClickSM is a virtual staffing agency – we're the middleman. We work hard to do the best by our clients and locate quality virtual assistants for them. And theft does happen – even from virtual assistants who've shown no signs of being anything but above board. If finances get tough, the first thing most people want to do is cut out the middleman. Why? Usually to make more money of course! While we do our best to prevent it from happening it does from time to time happen that a virtual assistant will attempt to steal a client – to make more money. I'm sure you can see how this opens a whole can of worms here and can easily mess things up for other clients. My question to you: would you want to directly hire a person with that kind of track record? Could you really trust they wouldn't try to steal something from you later on down the road? I wouldn't. In fact, this brings me to an interesting story. A virtual assistant (let's call her Jane) recently successfully stole a client (let's call him Dick) from Team Double-ClickSM. In this instance, rather than enter into a lengthy legal battle with Dick and Jane, we let it go. We of course discussed with Dick the potential for Jane the Thief to repeat her history again in the future. Three months later Dick came back and said "Gayle, Jane just stole from me – she embezzled my funds in fact." While I felt badly for Dick we predicted that this could happen which is why we'd warned him. Dick chose not to listen to our years of experience and the information we had available.

• Popularity. Team Double-Click's virtual assistants are contracted – not employed – by Team Double-ClickSM. As with most contractors (think home builders, highway builders, and other competitive bidders) we too impose restrictions, benchmarks, and even penalties on our contractors for lack of performance. Again, this sometimes makes us unpopular and can cause a virtual assistant to quit. Would you want us to do anything less in the name of protecting our clients?
Knowing what causes people to leave should help you better understand how long a virtual assistant may stay in a position. About 25% of our virtual assistants have been with us and the same clients for well over a year and many more approaching the one year mark. In fact, earlier this year one of our virtual assistants retired from Team Double-ClickSM and the client she was assigned, after being with him for more than three years.

So when asked "how long can I expect my virtual assistant to stay with me". I always say "It depends. As long as nothing goes wrong and there is no reason for the virtual assistant to leave, she will most likely stay." As one of my daughter's teachers used to say, "It's all about cause and effect.

This article's goal was to give you a better perspective of what to expect in this day and age of hiring and some insight into what can go wrong. I hope I've accomplished that. And with a better understanding maybe we'll all be less shocked and better prepared when one of our workers – bricks-and-mortar or virtual - departs.

Simple Steps To Starting A Coupon Club!

If someone were to hand you a ten dollar bill, would you tell them that you didn't want it? Of course not! Yet Americans throw away free money everyday when they choose not to use coupons. Last year alone, manufacturers across America offered more than two hundred and fifty billion dollars in coupon savings and yet American shoppers saved only $3 billion dollars in that same time period, by using coupons. That is two hundred and forty-seven billion dollars in savings going to waste! If you are serious about wanting to save money using coupons, you can't just rely on the Sunday paper to supply you with the coupons you need. You have to get creative in finding coupons that will help you to lower your bills.

1. Gather a group of 12 friends (including you) and give them at least a months warning so that they can begin rounding up their coupons. Make sure to invite people that represent a wide variety of shopping needs, so that you will have lots of different types of coupons to choose from. Try not to invite 11 people that all have newborn babies or a pet, or no one will want to trade diaper and cat treat coupons.

2. Pick a time that is convenient for everyone (lunch or dinner) and send out reminder invites that include the location one week before your club meeting. You can also send out e-mail reminders the night before the club meets. Just to get things started, you can include a few online coupon codes in your e-mail. At the first meeting have everyone sign up to host one meeting over the next year. That means they will be in charge of the reminder, invitation, food, and door prizes, as well as hosting the event at their house. Because you have 12 members, each one will only have to host one time a year.

3. Plan your menu. You could even do a pot-luck or have a fun theme like a luau. Make a theme night in which everyone brings a dish that was made using only products that were purchased with coupons. Give a prize for the dish that represents the most money in coupon savings. Don't forget to make it a splurge night and serve a really gooey, calorie laden dessert.

4. Get some door prizes together. You can plan games to give these away or just have a drawing. Put a dollar sign on one of the napkins and give a prize to the member who gets that particular napkin. Give a prize to the person that brings the coupon for the largest amount of money off an item. Good door prizes are coupon wallets, gift certificates, scissors, and of course coupons!

5. Plan out how you are going to swap coupons. You could play games where each member starts with five coupons and each time she is caught saying a certain agreed upon word by another member, she has to give one of her coupons to that member. You could have each member put 25 coupons in an envelope and then place them on a table and take turns picking an envelope. Or you could just have a coupon free for all where members simply swap coupons without the benefit of organization.

The most important thing to remember when planning a coupon club is to use your imagination and have lots of fun.


Bagaimana ? Mudah bukan !
Anda akan mendapat bayaran untuk setiap form sederhana yang Anda kirimkan online Rp 10.000,- per pengiriman. Pikirkan lagi... Berapa banyak yang dapat Anda isi setiap hari ???

Tidak hanya sampai disitu,anda juga akan mendapatkan gaji tetap sebesar Rp2.000.000 per-bulan diluar pendapatan anda.
Misalnya pada bulan ini anda mendapatkan pembayaran sebesar Rp2.400.000,maka anda akan mendapatkan tambahan bonus gaji sebesar Rp2.000.000,sehingga yang anda dapatkan pada bulan itu adalah Rp4.400.000
Wow,,,ini benar-benar pekerjaan yang mudah dengan gaji jutaan setiap bulannya !
Bagaimana ? Anda tertarik untuk bekerja pada program ini ?
Ingat...program ini hanya dilakukan 1-2 jam setiap hari tanpa menyita waktu anda.

Menakar Bisnis Tikar Lipat Wajak

Malang - Merencanakan dan menjalankan bisnis bagi sebagian banyak orang, menganggapnya terlalu ribet dan banyak pertimbangan penuh risiko. Namun lain hal dengan Djumakah salah satu perajin tikar lipat asal Wajak, Malang Jawa Timur, baginya menjalankan usaha sebagai perajin tikar ia anggap mengalir begitu saja seperti air.

Djumakah yang memulai usaha pembuatan tikar lipat sejak 1990 ini mengaku tak muluk-muluk dalam menjalankan bisnis. Baginya asalkan ada kelebihan (margin) dan bisa mempekerjakan banyak orang, itu sudah cukup.

Tak mengherankan gaya berbisnisnya begitu bersehaja dengan manajemen sederhana dengan bermodalkan keuletan dan kejujuran. Namun dengan itu lah yang membuat, usaha tikar lipat Djumakah bisa bertahan hingga 20 tahun lebih dengan merek 'Eagles'

Inilah potret kecil karakter dari sekian ribuan industri kecil di Tanah Air. Umumnya memulai atau terjun ke bisnis dari keadaan atau dari kondisi yang tak ada pilihan lain, justru orang-orang seperti Djumakah lah yang terbentuk secara alami sebagai wirausahawan (entrepreneur) yang tangguh tahan banting.

"Alasan saya dulu terjun menjadi pembuat tikar, dari pada nganggur, ya saya mencoba tikar," katanya kepada detikFinance pekan lalu.

Kisah awal Djumakah masuk ke bisnis ini semua serba kebetulan, ia memulai dengan pembuatan tikar mendong dari rerumputan. Namun di 2005 ia melakukan diversifikasi produk dengan memberikan sentuhan baru dari produknya yaitu tikar karpet dari bahan benang dan tali rapia.

Apa yang dilakukan Djumakah, sebagai bentuk inovasi bagi seorang pengusaha untuk bertahan dibisnisnya. Meski proses inovasi itu baru terjadi 15 tahun kemudian semenjak ia memulai usaha.

Kini ia telah memproduksi dua jenis tikar yaitu tikar karpet dan tikar mendong. Meski tak sebesar industri kelas kakap, dengan produksi 60 tikar per harinya atau 1800 tikar per bulan, baginya itu sudah mampu memutar roda ekonomi di kampungnya.

"Sekarang produksi tikar saya kurang lebih 60 lembar (per hari), dengan karyawan (sub kontrak) ada 22 orang," jelasnya.

Soal pemasaran, ia nampaknya belum berpikir untuk muluk-muluk. Produk-produknya kini masih sebatas ia pasarkan di Jawa Timur dan sebagian di Bali khusus untuk jenis tikar mendong. Di Jawa Timur permintaan tikarnya paling banyak berada di sekitar Malang, Tulungagung, Blitar dan wilayah lainnya.

"Kalau tikar mendong lebih banyak dikirim ke Bali, untuk para turis tidur di pantai," katanya.

Untuk urusan harga, Djumakah hanya membandrol Rp 46.000 per lembar tikar karpetnya, sementara tikar mendong ia hanya jual Rp 13.000 per lembar. Harga ini memang relatif sangat murah jika melihat modal yang harus ia keluarkan.

Ia mengilustrasikan untuk memproduksi satu lembar tikar karpet membutuhkan kurang lebih 1 kg benang dan 1,7 kg tali rapia. Sementara harga benang per kilogramnya Rp 13.000-15.000, harga tali rapia Rp 8.500 per kg dan biaya produksi seperti ongkos kerja Rp 6.000, ongkos jahit Rp 1.000 dan ongkos gulung Rp 6.000.

"Memang kalau bicara untung, tipis sekali, yang penting dapat, biar sedikit asal tetap mutar," katanya.

Pola yang dikembangkan oleh Djumakah cukup mendorong ekonomi masyarakat disekitarnya. Dengan pola sub kontrak kepada para tetangganya ia menjadi penggerak ekonomi di lingkungannya.

"Di sisi ada proses pengulungan, lalu setengah jadi dibawa ke rumah-rumah," katanya.

Sebagai pengusaha yang sudah menggeluti bisnis tikar puluhan tahun, Djumakah mengaku sudah biasa dengan fluktuasi permintaan tikar. Misalnya pada awal tahun ini permintaan produk tikarnya, cukup turun drastis karena pola permintaan pasar yang umumnya adalah para petani dan musim liburan.

"Sekarang permintaan sedang turun sekitar dua bulan sampai 50%," katanya.

Ia menambahkan naik turun dalam bisnis suatu hal yang lazim yang penting adalah semangat. Sehingga tak mengherankan sampai saat ini ia bisa bertahan menggeluti usaha tikar. Kini perekonomian keluarganya jauh lebih baik dibandingkan ketika ia sebelumnya menjadi petani, rumah yang cukup mapan dan kendaraan angkut roda empat kini sudah dimilikinya.

Dikatakannya apa yang ia lakukan saat ini bermodal kemandirian tanpa bantuan dari pemerintah. Soal persaingan antara sesama perajin di Wajak, ia tetap optimis bahwa hal itu bukan lah masalah, yang terpenting meningkatkan kualitas produk.

"Sampai sekarang dari pemerintah nggak ada bantuan, dulu pernah ada bantuan Jasa Tirta (BUMN), uang Rp 3 juta angsuran 2 tahun tanpa bunga," katanya.

Tips Menyewa Sebuah Tempat Bisnis

Bisnis  yang banyak menjamur di masyarakat adalah bisnis makanan. Ini sangat berkembang pesat terutama di daerah kos, kantor dan universitas. Namun membeli tanah didaerah tersebut sangatlah susah dikarenakan banyak yang tidak rela melepaskan tempat yang sangat strategis. Sehingga satu-satunya cara adalah meminta bantuan agen properti seperti: Century21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia untuk membantu menyewa tempat bisnis yang diinginkan. Kenapa harus menggunakan agen properti resmi? Dengan menggunakan agen resmi, perjanjian sewa akan lebih aman dan terjamin karena akan adanya surat sewa resmi dengan saksi dan materai.
Saat menyewa tempat, beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan terlebih dahulu seperti:
Tempat harus strategis
Memang semakin strategis sebuah tempat, semakin mahal biaya sewa namun ini diperlukan untuk membuat nama toko terkenal terlebih dahulu. Cari tempat yang dekat banyak kos, kantor dan universitas. Tempatnya juga harus banyak di lalui orang dan
Ukuran bagunan
Besarnya tempat bisnis harus bisa menampung semua barang yang dibutuhkan. Bila memang tempatnya kecil, harus cari cara menyiasatinya. Sedangkan bila tempatnya terlalu besar, solusinya adalah mencari partner untuk berbagi sewa dan tempat.
Harga Sewa
Lebih baik membandingkan harga sewa satu tempat denga tempat lain. Harga sewa yang tidak masuk diakal lebih baik tidak dilayani terkecuali orang yang mau menyewakan masih bisa dinego harganya. Biasanya harga sewa akan lebih murah bila diambil untuk jangka waktu yang lama seperti setahun, 2 tahun atau lebih.
Surat – surat penting
Surat yang dimaksud adalah surat perjanjian. Dengan adanya surat perjanjian, pemilik tempat sewa tidak bisa sesuka hati memaksa penyewa mengembalikan tempat sewanya atau menaikan uang sewa secara tiba-tiba saat masih dalam jangka waktu penyewaan. Singkat kata, dengan adanya surat ini, proses penyewaan dapat berjalan dengan aman dan lancar hingga waktu penyewaan habis. Lebih baik lagi mencarinya melaui agen sewa resmi.
Hal-hal di atas merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan saat ingin menyewa sebuah tempat bisnis. Saran lainnya adalah  susun konsep yang matang sebelum memutuskan memulai sebuah bisnis.

Magnus Capital: Tekanan Beli Cukup Besar

Jakarta - Pada Perdagangan kemarin IHSG menguat signifikan dan ditutup naik 48.74 poin ke level 3857.88 dengan transaksi senilai Rp 3.6 triliun dan asing melakukan net buying Rp 187.7 miliar. January effect sudah dimulai dimana investor mulai mengakumulasi saham saham yang berpotensi tumbuh tinggi tahun ini. Hal ini juga di topang dengan penguatan bursa bursa saham regional. Sentimen positif dari dalam negeri dimana inflasi pada bulan Desember 2011 tercatat 0.57 ,lebih rendah dari pada ekspektasi pasar dan mengakibatkan penguatan saham saham sektor keuangan naik 1.1%.

Hari pertama perdagangan indeks semalam, Dow jones melakukan rally dan ditutup menguat 178.82 poin pada level 12397.38 dan merupakan yang tertinggi selama 5 bulan terakhir. Euforia january effect juga terasa pada perdagangan Dow dan Data data ekonomi yang dirilis oleh Jerman dimana tingkat pengangguran mencapai level terendah selama 2 dekade dan juga data manufaktur China yang mengalami peningkatan turut menjadi katalis penguatan indeks.

Indeks Regional pagi ini di buka menguat serta harga minyak mentah dunia yang meningkat diperkirakan akan memberikan sentimen positif bagi perdagangan BEI hari ini.

Aspek teknikal, candlestick berhasil membentuk bulish engulfing pattern disertai volume diatas rata-rata 20 hari yang mengindikasikan besarnya tekanan beli. Stochastic oscillator berada pada daerah overbought dan perlu mewaspadai aksi Profit taking. Indeks diperkirakan akan melanjutkan penguatan dengan pada range 3834 - 3880.

Demi Rp 914 Triliun, Dirjen Pajak pun 'Kejar' Paspampres

Jakarta - Untuk mengejar target setoran pajak Rp 914,2 triliun di tahun ini, Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Pajak mengimbau seluruh wajib pajak taat bayar pajak. Tak terkecuali para anggota Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (Paspampres).

Direktur Penyuluhan Pelayanan dan Humas Ditjen Pajak Dedi Rudaedi mengatakan, hari ini Dirjen Pajak Fuad Rahmany melakukan Sosialisasi Pajak dan Penyerahan Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) bagi anggota Paspampres.

Sosialisasi dilakukan di tengah kegiatan perayaan ulang tahun (hari bhakti) Paspampres yang ke-66, yang dihadiri oleh Komandan Paspampres, Mayjen TNI Agus Sutomo, dan ribuan anggota Paspampres.

Pada kesempatan itu, Fuad mengingatkan soal pentingnya peranan penerimaan pajak dalam pembiayaan penyelenggaraan Negara. Tahun ini Ditjen Pajak diberikan target menghimpun penerimaan pajak Rp 914,2 triliun.

"Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan peran serta aktif seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dalam membayar pajak, termasuk juga anggota Paspampres. Membayar pajak bagi Paspampres ibarat membela negara, jadi seyogyanya dilakukan dengan sepenuh hati," kata Dedi meniru ucapan Fuad dalam siaran pers, Rabu (4/1/2012).

Dedi mengatakan, Fuad ingin kegiatan sosialisasi pajak ini akan berkelanjutan, di mana pada Januari dan Februari akan diadakan kelas pajak untuk pemegang kas dan bendaharawan Paspampres dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman peraturan-peraturan perpajakan. Berikutnya di Maret akan dibuka drop box di Markas Komando (Mako) Paspampres untuk memudahkan pelaporan Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) Tahunan bagi anggota Paspampres.

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Vidio Dasar Belajar Dreamweafer new
Vidio ini memberi anda pelajaran mengoperasikan sofware dreamweafer (versi dasar). Jika ingin versi lengkapnya, kami menjualnya dengan harga Rp. 65.000 (sudah termasuk biaya kirim).
Vidio dalam cd berdurasi 6,5 jam
isi vidio :
  • Bag 1 : Perkenalan Singkat Cara membuat website
  • Bag 2 : Mulai bekerja dengan Dreamweaver
  • Bag 3 : Menambahkan Graphic/Image/Gambar kedalam halaman web
  • Bag 4 : Memanage, Testing, dan Mempublish Website
  • Bag 5 : Mengenal CSS lebih dalam
  • Bag 6 : Membuat Layout Menggunakan CSS
  • Bag 7 : Membuat halaman website dengan table
  • Bag 8 : Membuat Frame Halaman
  • Bag 9 : Membuat Halaman Interaktif dengan Behaviour
  • Bag 10 : Bekerja dengan file multimedia
  • Bag 11 : Bekerja dengan form
  • Bag 12 : Bekerja dengan Content Dinamis
jika tertarik silakan sms saya
Xampp Control Panel
Sebelum Upload file script di hosting, sebaiknya uji dulu script tesebut di hosting lokal atau dengan menggunakan komputer anda, apakah script sudah baik untuk dipasarkan. Sofware ini merupakan hosting miniatur, jadi anda bisa menjalankan script di sofware ini.
Software Pencari E-mail (Full Version)
Ini bukan Software pengirim Bulk mail seperti yang banyak beredar di pasaran bisnis online. Ini adalah Software Pencari Email baru yang hasilnya PASTImendapatkan email, lewat komentar-komentar netter di suatu website. Cara penggunaan software sudah ada di file winrar. new
Software 1 juta backlink.
(Senilai Rp 2.000.000)

Sofware ini cocok digunakan jika anda baru membuat website, software ini digunakan untuk memasang backlink di ratusan website di luar negeri. sebelum menginstal software ini terlebih dahulu anda haru install .NET Framework Terbaru

Vidio SEO. new
(Senilai Rp 2.000.000)

SEO merupakan optimasi website anda agar 10 besar di google. Silakan pelajari vidio ini, karena vido ini sangat bermanfaat buat anda. vidio ini dibagi atas 5 link download, jadi anda harus download smua link tersebut untuk bisa menjalankan vidionya.
Sofware Internet Download Manager + Serial number new
Sofware ini dipergunakan untuk mendownload file 5x lebih cepat dari pada menggunkan mozila.
Software untuk membuat video tutorial Camtasia Studio 6 + serial number.
(Senilai $299.00 USD) new

Pernahkah anda melihat video tutorial? Sulitkah membuatnya? Jawabnya... sangat mudah. Dan software ini akan membantu anda mewujudkannya. Hanya dengan beberapa klik, anda bisa membuat video tutorial sendiri dan menjualnya di internet.
TOP Mesin Promosi
Dua buah script mesin promo yang akan mengirimkan iklan-iklan Anda non stop selama 24 jam, 7 hari, 12 bulan setahun. Script ini sangat mudah untuk dijalankan. Iklan Anda akan terkirim terus menerus disaat Anda makan, tidur, bermain, nonton Film, disaat Anda berbuat apa saja tanpa Anda sadari. Saya beri langsung 2 mesin promo milis otomatis yaitu: Script Yahoo Poster dan Script Autoresponder Unlimitted 2.0 Pro.
Software Pengirim Iklan Baris Terbaru new
Naahh, Yang ini baru yang banyak beredar di pasaran. Paket ini saya masukin ke dalam Bonus karena target situs iklan barisnya Gak sama alias Beda dengan yang di atas. terdapat 1200 web iklan baris
Smart Strategi PROMOSI
Sebuah ebook yang mengajarkan metoda cepat dan maksimal strategi berpromosi online untuk mendatangkan trafik yang mengagumkan.
Isi menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia
Trik Promosi di Milis YAHOOGROUPS
Rahasia berpromosi di puluhan milis yahoogroups tertarget hanya dengan satu kali klik. Tanpa Script, tanpa Software tanpa Autoresponder.
Isi menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia
Metode Terbaik Promosi Online
Informasi Penting !! yang akan menuntun anda dalam langkah-langkah yang mudah untuk menjalankan Metode Terbaik Borpromosi online, Anda tidak perlu memikirkan mengapa harus begini...mengapa harus begitu..cukup ikuti langkah-langkah yang ada disini dan anda akan meraih pengunjung dalam waktu singkat
Isi menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia
Macromedia Dreamweafer 8.03 new
Sofware ini digunakan untuk mengedit script, cara menggunakan cukup mudah, seperti menggunkan MS Office
Software  850 Web Template
Kumpulan template website, bisa dijadikan bahan buat website anda

Mesin Promosi Seri 3
Rahasia berpromosi Autopilot 1000 klik. Tanpa Script, tanpa Software tanpa Autoresponder. Iklan Anda akan terus tayang sampai terjadi 1000 klik terhadap iklan Anda
Isi menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia 
Program ini cocok digunakan untuk upload file anda ke hosting, jadi anda tidak perlu repot-repot masuk cpanel, program ini sangat mudah digunakan
Ebook Joko Susilo " Formula Bisnis"
Ebook ini baik dipelajari jika anda ingin serius menekuni bisnis online
Ebook uang panas
Ebook ini baik dipelajari jika anda ingin serius menekuni bisnis online
Ebook Kuat Diranjang
Ebook ini membahas bagaimana cara memperbesar mr.p anda dan membahasan tentang cara menahan ejakulasi ( isi diluar tanggung jawab pengelola
10 besar di google
Ebook ini membahas bagaimana membuat website anda bisa 10 besar di google
Rahasia Blogging Joko Susilo
Ebook ini membahas 7 Rumusan Penggebrak Untuk Melipatgandakan Profit Bisnis Anda Hingga 5 Kali Lipat Hanya Dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Kekuatan BLOG di Internet! new
Ebook Belajar Dreamweafer

Panduan Dasar Membuat e-Book Anda Sendiri


Strategi Sukses Meraih Income di Internet Tanpa Memiliki Produk Sendiri

Buku ini membongkar rahasia membanjiri website Anda dengan pembeli berkantong tebal. Ditulis oleh seorang internet marketer
Belajar Bisnis Hosting
Ebook Belajar Photoshop
Foto saya
tolitoli, sulawesi tengah, Indonesia